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슬기로운 데모생활

SDK Initialization

2024/03/14 00:22
To initialize PC SDK, fill in the values for StovePCConfig and StovePCCallback structures, and call the StovePC.Initialize method.
Enter the code piece below in the ButtonInitialize_Click method.
StovePCConfig config = new StovePCConfig { Env = this.Env, AppKey = this.AppKey, AppSecret = this.AppSecret, GameId = this.GameId, LogLevel = this.LogLevel, LogPath = this.LogPath }; this.callback = new StovePCCallback { OnError = new StovePCErrorDelegate(this.OnError), OnInitializationComplete = new StovePCInitializationCompleteDelegate(this.OnInitializationComplete), OnToken = new StovePCTokenDelegate(this.OnToken), OnUser = new StovePCUserDelegate(this.OnUser) }; sdkResult = StovePC.Initialize(config, callback);
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The PCSDK log path must be set as an absolute path. ex) C:\Program Files\{Your Game Folder}\Logs Do not add "\" at the end. PCSDK automatically adds the file name "StovePCSDK.log".
If "" is set as an empty string, PCSDK automatically creates a log in the path of the game executable file folder or the folder where the PCSDK DLL is located.
YOUR_APP_KEYYOUR_SECRET_KEYYOUR_GAME_ID must be changed to data issued in advance.
An error occurs if you call the StovePC.Initialize function without logging into the Stove Launcher.
Write a callback when the StovePC.Initialize function call usually completes. Write the code snippet below in the OnInitializationComplete method.
sb.AppendLine("OnInitializationComplete"); sb.AppendFormat(" - nothing");
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