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Acquiring Token Information

2024/03/14 05:07
The StovePC_GetToken function is used to get the token information of the user logged into the stove launcher. Add the StovePC_GetToken function to the CHelloStoveDlg::OnBnClickedGetToken function to request token information from StovePCSDK.
void CHelloStoveDlg::OnBnClickedGetToken() { /*Add the 'Follow Through' code here.*/ StovePCResult result = StovePC_GetToken(); if (result != STOVE_PC_NO_ERROR) { CString log; log.Format(L"[Error] StovePC_GetToken, Result %d", result); OnLog(log); } else { OnLog(L"[Success] StovePC_GetToken"); } }
What is a token?
It is the access token of the logged-in user in STOVE Launcher, and the game server passes this access token to the stove authentication server to validate the logged-in user.
For a detailed explanation of Access Token, please get in touch with store.support@smilegate.com for technical support.
Comment out the OnToken function. It calls back the function when it usually calls the StovePC_GetToken function and input the code below.
void OnToken(const StovePCToken token) { /*Add the 'Follow Through' code here.*/ OnLog(L"<Token>"); CString log; log.Format(L"accessToken : %s", MtoW(token.accessToken)); OnLog(log); }
A token is the key information issued through the launcher’s login.
Token information is managed within PC SDK, so developers will not need to use this without any specific reason.